Rex Health Tonic is specially formulated for replenishing the lost of vital forces and energy to meet the natural urges of both the male and female. It provides nutritional support, improves appetite, digestion and elimination of waste, restores health, builds a strong body, increases stamina, improves mental performance. It also provides a protection rich diet supplement and improves the liver and intenstinal functions. It is comprehensive tonic made for every member of the family for daily consumption for all around the year. Directions: Adults 20ml & children 5 to 10ml(after meals) twice a day with water or milk. |
Rex Baby Tonic is specially formulated for children to promote, development and growth. It prevents and controls common neonatal complaints such as flatulence, colic pain, griping & dyspepsia. It increase appetite, aids in digestion & assimilation and tones up metabolism. It also assures significant and consistent weight gain and strengthens the bones by making up for the unusual loss of calcium from the body. Direction: � to � teaspoons daily in the morning & evening according to the age. |
Rex Janam Ghutti is specially prepared for children. It serves as a tonic and is wonder fully efficarcious both as a preventive and curative measure in cold, constipation flatulence, atonic stomach, vomiting teething and griping in children Directions:Upto3months-5drops; 6months -10drops; 1yr-15drops; above 1 yr.-20drops with mother's milk or fresh water both morn & eve. |
Effective in stomach troubles and gastro intestinal disorder such as indigastion, stomach-ache, anorexia, hyperacidity, flatulance, burning sensation in the chest, heaviness after meals nausea and vomiting due to indigestion and gastric disorders. Directions: 10 to 15ml. to be taken after meals twice a daily. |
Is indicated in malarial fever, resistant cases of malaria, quartan fever, general pyrexia and bodyache. Directions: 15 ml. (3 table spoonfulls) to be taken three times (morning, afternoon & evening) a day.